13 ag. 2014

Article – Remunicipalisation in Berlin after the buy-back

From de-privatisation to demands for democratisation The largest Public-Private Partnership in water sector in Germany ended in 2013 after the longstanding social mobilisation. Remunicipalisation cost a high price for the city of Berlin though. Berliners have striven for new challenges. The privatisation of the Berliner Wasserbetriebe In 1994, a grand

03 juny 2014

Article – Thessaloniki, Greece: Struggling against water privatisation in times of crisis

Already subjected to the consequences of the European and Greek debt crisis and the resulting austerity measures, privatisation will continue to hit Thessaloniki hard. In a referendum the people voted overwhelmingly against water privatisation. While their struggle continues, they look upon the crisis as an opportunity to intensify the search for

19 maig 2014

#Thessaloniki dice no a la privatización del agua, un 98% dice no a la Troika

Los votantes de la ciudad norteña de Tesalónica rechazaron ayer la privatización de la empresa de agua de la ciudad, con 213.508 votos en contra. Sólo votaron en contra 4.278 y blanco o nulo 216. Así un 98% de los votantes se opusieron rotundamente a la privatización de la empresa pública de agua. La

19 març 2014

La Comisión Europea no toma verdaderas medidas para reconocer el Derecho Humano al Agua

El Movimiento Europeo del Agua lamenta que la Comisión Europea haya decidido no tomar acciones reales, ignorando la voluntad de 1,9 millones de ciudadanos. La Comisión Europea ha publicado hoy su comunicación sobre la Iniciativa Ciudadana por el Derecho al Agua[1]. La Comunicación no da respuesta a las demandas de

17 març 2014

Lazio: Vincono l’acqua pubblica e la partecipazione

Approvata la prima legge in Italia per la gestione pubblica e partecipata dell’acqua, presentata da cittadini e comuni   Dopo la straordinaria vittoria referendaria di giugno 2011, dopo un percorso durato due anni che ha intrecciato le esperienze dei comitati e di numerosi comuni del Lazio, dopo 12 mesi di

07 març 2014

UK is out of step with the rest of the world on access to water

A petition on the human right to water, signed by 1.8m people across Europe, was presented last month in Brussels. The petition called on the European Commission to recognise the UN resolution that water is a human right and to ensure that water and sanitation assets are in public control,