11 oct. 2013

Vulneració de la sobirania nacional: les condicionalitats de la Troika a Grècia

Aquí podeu consultar el pla de rescat a Grècia fixat per la Troika el 2012. Entre molts aspectes, la privatització de l’aigua a Grècia i Tessalònica, en contra de la sobirania nacional i en contra els tractats europeus que fixen la neutralitat de la Comissió Europea en el sector de l’aigua.

10 oct. 2013

L’adquisició de Sevend Trend: evitar l’especulació i l’impost de societats en el subministrament d’aigua de la Gran Bretanya

Severn Trent is the latest water company to be targeted for takeover by a motley group of investment funds. An analysis of their past deals reveals huge profits, meagre tax bills and a seemingly casual approach to ethical concerns. Once again public assets are turned into wealth for the few.

10 oct. 2013

Article – Revertint la tendència: cap a la gestió pública

“A business of real public importance can only be carried on advantageously upon so large a scale as to render the liberty of competition almost illusory […] It is much better to treat it at once as a public function.” J.S. Mill, 1872 “The Commission believes that the privatisation of

09 oct. 2013

Informe: La indústria de l’aigua al Regne Unit, un cas per resoldre

With a view to 25 years of the privatisation of the water sector in 2014, our affiliated union UNISON has commissioned a report about the water industry in the UK. The report demonstrates that the water industry in England needs radical reform. Font: European Federation of Public Service Unions The

07 oct. 2013

Informe – Privatising Europe: Using the crisis to entrench neoliberalism

Font: Transnational Institute Summary The European Union is currently undergoing the biggest economic crisis since its foundation 20 years ago. Economic growth is collapsing: the eurozone economy contracted by 0.6% in the fourth quarter last year and this slump is set to continue. The euro crisis was incorrectly blamed on

27 set. 2013

From Burnaby to Bern: Municipalities are Protecting the Water Commons

When the Council of Canadians and CUPE first created the Blue Communities Project we weren’t sure how to convince cash-strapped municipalities to come on board. How would we get local government who faced federal and provincial restrictions forcing them to consider privatization when seeking funding for infrastructure projects to stand

26 set. 2013

Berlin Water back in Public Hands – Bye, bye Veolia!

After the long struggle of Berliners there came finally the time to end the failed PPP model (Public-Private Sector Partnership), a form proposed by the government for the Greek water services as well, which skyrocketed water prices, as dictated by the secret contracts of the multinationals for a large profit

25 set. 2013

Bern: first Blue Community outside Canada

The Council of Canadians and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) are applauding the city of Bern, Switzerland for taking a bold new step to protect water as a commons. While a growing number of municipalities in Canada have become Blue Communities, Bern is the first city outside Canada